Indie Games Rec Page

Growing up, we only really had a couple video games, and I often struggled with them due to some relatively poor motor skills, so I never really got into video games. However, as a teenager I discovered the world of indie rpgmaker games and visual novels. These games were much more accessible to me than many other games, both because of their simpler controls and because they were typically free. Although I'm now an adult with money and have since grown a little more confident in my gaming skills, I still keep coming back to the type of small indie games uploaded to sites like They hold a special place in my heart and are far more charming to me than any AAA game could ever hope to be. This is a place for me to rec the games I enjoy, from ones I have recently played to old favourites.

I don't have specific criteria on what games I will or won't rec on this page but in general, I'll be proritising lesser known games (or at least games that I perceive as lesser known, I do not claim to be up to date on social media) and probably won't be reccing hyperpopular games like Undertale or Ib (because honestly, I don't think I need to). I try to play a variety of different types of games, but as a general rule, I go insane over anything that is meta in its storytelling, am a huge fantasy nerd, don't enjoy horror rpgmaker games as much, and am way too aromantic to care for romance (which can make finding visual novels a bit of a challenge sometimes).

On the 'Old Favourites' page you will find games that have made onto my list of all time faves. I may or may not have last played these games years ago, so please be aware of that. On the 'New Recs' page you'll find games I've recently played and liked. You can find links to both pages on the sidebar.