Wegend of Zegend

I never played the Legend of Zelda series growing up, but as a huge fantasy fan, it's a series I've always been tangentially interested in. As an adult, the main reason I didn't play through the games was because I didn't know where to start. I kept waffling until finally I decided to just start at the beginning.

I am currently on a quest to play through most of the Legend of Zelda series; the only exceptions being Zelda 1 and 2 (because they are famously difficult and I am famously bad at video games), the multiplayer games (because I have no friends), and any game that I may be unable to play due to system requirements. I am trying to do this playthrough roughly in order of release date, though this is not a hard rule and exceptions apply.

I'm really enjoying this little marathon of mine and have gotten a little obsessed with this series, so I decided to make a fanpage dedicated to infodumping. On the 'LOZ Playthrough' page you will find little reviews of the games as I play them, on the 'Link Personality Profiles' page you will find my headcanons regarding the different Links, ditto but for Zelda on the 'Zelda Personality Profiles' page, and on the 'Marin Shrine' page you will find me infodumping about how much I love Marin and Link's Awakening in general.

This page is a work in progress both because of my limited HTML knowledge, limited assets currently, and because I haven't actually finished the series yet. I'm hoping to update it with a different layout than the rest of the site at some point as well.